Annual Championship 2022

Annual Championship 2022

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday (August 3) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Special Event: Added to a regular Club 389 event will be the Jayden's Cup Match with prizes sponsored by Charles Chow. Those who will be attending the dinner party following the game to be hosted by Charles & Jenny Chow are automatically qualified to participate.

Course: Cumberland Golf Club, 248 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes

Time: 11:30 am

Green Fee: $40 per person

Golf Carts: Two booked at $40 each

Jayden's 100 Day Party: 7:00 pm at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (August 1); late registration will not be entertained.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Friday (July 20) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: New Brighton Golf Club

Time: 11:30 am (note earlier start)

Green Fee: $35 per player (no discount available)

Golf Cart: One booked at $40

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Ah Yuen Restaurant, Beverly Hills

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (July 18); late registration will not be entertained.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday (July 13) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Ashlar Golf Club, Springfield Ave., Blacktown 2148

Time: 12:00 noon

Green Fee: $28 per player (2 for 1 with Teamfore or one book per person at half price with Golf Guide)

Golf Carts: 2 booked at $40 each

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Excellent Chinese Restaurant (好), Carlingford Court, Carlingford

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (July 11); late registration will not be entertained.