Annual Championship 2022

Annual Championship 2022

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Friday (February 5) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Strathfield Golf Club

Time1:00 pm

Green Fee: $50 per player (walking)

Golf Cart: 3 booked at $45 each

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Golden Globe Seafood Restaurant (金世界), 208 Burwood Road, Burwood 2134 

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 10:00 am Tuesday (February 2); late registration will not be entertained.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Friday (January 29) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Carnarvon Golf Club

Time12:30 pm

Green Fee: $30 per player (walking); $20 (senior)

Golf Cart: 2 carts booked at $40 each

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant, Rhodes Shopping Centre

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 10:00 am Tuesday (January 26); late registration will not be entertained.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday (January 22) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Twin Creeks Golf Club

Time12:30 pm

Green Fee: Only 16 spots available; $210 for 4 players with 2 carts (must be in multiples of 4's); first come, first serve

Golf Cart: Included in the deal

Dinner: 7:00 pm at My Chinese Kitchen (秦淮食府), 195A Burwood Road, Burwood 2134 

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 10:00 am Tuesday (January 19); late registration will not be entertained.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Friday (January 15) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Bankstown Golf Club

Time12:30 pm

Green Fee: 16 players pre-paid; $90 for 2 players with a shared cart

Golf Cart: Included in the deal

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Canto (粤棧) Restaurant, Carlingford Village

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 10:00 am Tuesday (January 12); late registration will not be entertained.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Friday (January 8) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Liverpool Golf Club

Time12:30 pm

Green Fee14 spots booked; $86 for two players with a shared cart

Golf Cart: Included in the deal

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant, Rhodes Shopping Centre

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 10:00 am Tuesday (January 5); late registration will not be entertained.