Annual Championship 2022

Annual Championship 2022

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday (September 20) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Warringah Golf Club, 397 Condamine St, North Manly 2100

Time: 12:00 noon (note later start)

Green Fee: $40 per player (2 for 1 with Teamfore)

Golf Cart: Two booked at $38 each

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Fook Yuen Chinese Restaurant, Chatswood

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (September 18); late registration will not be entertained.


Anonymous said...

one golf, two dinner,thanks.
c k.

Ben Or said...

One golf and no dinner. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ed

One golf without and two dinner please.
Thank you

Philip Qi

Daniel Mok said...

Hi, Ed,
1 golf + cart & 2 dinner

Frank Lee said...

One golf, one dinner, thanks.

Charles Chow said...

One golf and two dinner, thanks

Anonymous said...

1 golf & cart 2 dinner please

Kelvin KO said...


One godf two dinner.

Josiah Li said...

Hi Ed
No golf, two for dinner please.

Andy (IBM) Cheung said...

Hi Ed

1 golf no dinner thanks.

Anonymous said...

ai, mobile phone not working here again!
anyway, one golf and one dinner plz.

Bernard said...

Two golf and one dinner

odog58simon said...

2golf and dinner please

odog58simon said...

two golf and dinner please.

Anonymous said...


One golf and dinner.

Jeffery Khoong

Anonymous said...

One golf with cart and one dinner
Stephen ting