Annual Championship 2022

Annual Championship 2022

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Friday (December 21) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Ryde-Parramatta Golf Club

Time: 12:20 pm

Green Fee: $50 per player; 11 spots available including 3 playing in the open competition

Golf Cart: 2 booked at $35 each

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Taste of Shanghai (天同小厨)200 Rowe Street, Eastwood

Deadline for RegistrationLatest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (December 19); late registration will not be entertained.


Anonymous said...

One golf with cart and two for dinner please.


Daniel Mok said...

Hi, Ed,

1 golf + 2 dinner

Many thanks


Josiah Li said...

Hi Ed,

One golf, 2 dinner.


Charles Chow said...

One golf with cart and two dinner please

Bernard said...

One golf one dinner

Jeffrey said...

Hi Ed, MD let me take his spot (tq Mike), so 1 golf 1 dinner please.

Anonymous said...

one golf ,two dinner.thanks.
C K.

Philip said...

Hi Ed

One golf with cart and no dinner please.


Philip Qi

Kelvin Ko said...

Hi Ed,

One golf and two dinner please

Ben Or said...

one golf and 2 dinner please

Gordon said...

No golf n dinner for the next few weeks, you guys enjoy, I will be away to HK, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to every one.