Annual Championship 2022

Annual Championship 2022

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Friday (December 20) Golf & Dinner

Registration Closed!

Course: Cumberland Golf Club

Time12:15 pm

Green Fee: $70 for 2 players with a shared cart

Golf Cart: Included in the deal

Dinner: 7:00 pm at Shanghai Fengyuan Restaurant 上海風苑 (新人人超市樓上)25E/1 Lakeside Road, Eastwood

Deadline for Registration: Latest by 12:00 noon Wednesday (December 18); late registration will not be entertained.


Jackson Ip said...

One golf and no dinner please


Jeffrey said...

Hi Ed, one golf and no dinner.
Tq. Jeffrey

Ben Or said...

No golf and no dinner. You guys have fun.

Anonymous said...

one golf no dinner plz.

Charles Chow said...

One golf and no dinner, thanks

Anonymous said...

One golf and no dinner please.



c k said...

ed,one golf and two dinner,thanks.
captain,if only few people join dinner,can you change dinner place to chatswood ?

Bernard said...

One golf, no dinner

Gordon said...

1 golf 2 dinner thanks

Josiah Li said...

Hi Ed,

No golf, 2 dinner.


Philip Qi said...

Hi Ed

One golf and two dinner please.


Philip Qi

Daniel Mok said...

Hi, Ed,

1 golf + 2 dinner

Many thanks